Sample of the part of the first post: Before all this started, Remy had been a rookie cop with The LAPD, West Bureau, Pacific Division. He had only ever been on a serious case two times that involved shooting his gun. Around him, the forest was deadly silent, save for a few whistling birds that were up high in the treetops. He walked through them, looking for the town he knew was nearby. What he had just stumbled upon reminded him of a gruesome movie; something he would never imagine seeing for real, even in his line of work. On the forest floor, lay three rotted bodies of adults and two children, a boy and a girl. The man had obviously been turned somehow. His face was distorted, nose smashed in, one ear missing and long trails of blood going down his cheeks. On closer inspection, he realized those blood trails were deep claw marks. Had the man done it to himself or had one of his companions done it while fighting for their life? The man looked like he was in his 40s. He had a fit body, seen through the tattered and bloody clothes he wore. His skin had the sickly pale, almost green/yellow look some of the creatures took on. The bulging of his eyes would have made a man with a weak stomach puke in the bushes. Both were popped out, hanging by only a thin strand of tissue. One was half deflated, blood and ooze dripping from it. [i]The world has changed..[/i] When he saw the news on the television, he hadn't believed it at first. That had been several months ago and somehow he was still alive. He no longer considered himself a rookie, though. He was just a freelance guy, trying to make it in a world gone mad. The blood and grime on the corpse's face almost matched the amount that clung to the cop's face. Subconsciously, he started to pick at the blood on his face, being reminded of how he needed to wash soon or he would attract unwanted attention. Looking at the next body, he sighed. It was a lady. She did not look like she had turned. She was young, not much older than him. Her red hair laid around her head almost like a halo. She was nearly in perfect condition. He bent down on his knees and looked closer. What had killed her? This was when he realized she was not a redhead at all. The red he had mistaken for her hair was her blonde locks soaked through with blood. He gently nudged her to the side and sure enough she had a bullet wound in the back of her skull. The whole back of her head was completely gone, leaving a gaping hole that her mass of blood soaked curls hid. ((So yeah, blood and gore descriptions warning ))