[i] Of course you don't know of spor-....Why am I even thinking about this? [/i] Callum rolled his eyes as he turned around to look at Bellua. This guy was the being of "Serious" Such would be with someone with the name "Bellua" [i] Probably the reason he wants to find his "creator" [/i]. Callum snickered to himself. [i] Good one Callum. [/i] "No," Bellua replied, stopping in a clearing a few yards away. "We rest for now." [i] Oh finally [/i] Callum somewhat awkwardly walked over to a large rock that seemed to be not too uncomfortable. The advantage being he could lean against it. He wasn't to far away from Bellua, but not that close either. He didn't want to be close to Bellua. It was pretty obvious that Bellua only thought of him as a tool to get closer his Target. But Callum decided to put his thoughts away, just for hopefully at least a minute of closed eyes. He hoped