[quote=Ciphra] Name - SoranAge - 18Gender- MaleSexuality - Heterosexual Rank - ShadowRace - Human - Neon blue/green eyes.Appearance - Personality - Soran is very closed off. After losing his sister around a year ago he has shut out most people, never approaching them, and only talking to people that start a conversation with him. On the other side he is actually a really gentle person when you get to know him despite his false self he puts out for everyone to see.Backstory - Chose to join the military forces instead of being a civilian to follow in his sister's footsteps, though a lot of people thought he would be to soft for the task. He trained for two years then was chosen to join the stealth force. While training for that though his sister was killed in an ambush. Soran closed himself off to most people, only opening up to the stealth teams leader, and became a shadow shortly after his sisters death. Fighting Specialty - Dual wielding pistolsWeapons of choice - Any hand guns or small smg's (Mac 10/11's mp5k's ect.)Strengths(Max 3) - Flexibility, Accuracy, SpeedWeaknesses(At least 3) - Long range, Technology, Chemical weapons.FEARS (VERY IMPORTANT - Bold main fear- at least 4) , Drowning in acid, being slowly eaten alive by bugs, becoming attached to people.OOC:Activity: 9.72 (On several times a day, and if I'm going somewhere I always inform, and find someone to take control of the character if I can find someone capable.)Do I understand the history? More or less I guess. Do I understand the base layout? Well...I think so...I'll get use to it in time though... [/quote] You should take Long rage out of your weakness, since you have Accuracy, and before you ask it's because you have ranged weapons, you should change long range to close quarters combat or something else.