My father and I are sitting in a meeting room, making idle chatter with my future father in-law. I have no desire for this arranged marriage, for a bride I do not know and who surely hates the very idea of me. I feel utterly ridiculous, black trousers and a black and silver doublet; I was far more comfortable in my armor or riding gear. We are informed by a servant that my betrothed will be down in a moment. I stand and hastily see to it that I look the proper part of Prince and not my usual grisly self. She enters the room, curtsies and politely smiles at my father and I. I return her curtsy with an appropriate bow at the waist before taking a step forward to take her hand and gently kiss it as was required in such a situation. "Pleased to finally make your acquaintance," I say as my lips leave her hands and my eyes meet hers. "I am Prince James," I add having realized that I had not given her my name yet. "We shall leave you two alone for a few moments then," my father says. He has gone over my duties with me a hundred times and I steel myself for what I must do next. I usher Princess Genevieve to where I had just been sitting before taking the seat beside her, facing my torso in her direction as I fumble with the solitaire diamond ring in my pocket. "I am sure that you do not want this marriage and like me are doing it for the good of your people. It is my hope that we may one day be at least friends," I say as I pull the ring out of my pocket. "It was my mother's and she wanted it to go to my bride. I cannot promise you love but I can promise you that I will be a good, true, faithful and devoted husband." I hold the ring out tentatively as though she might say no to the question I never asked. She and I both know that there is no need to ask, this marriage is beyond either of our control.