She let out a small huff at Euclid, giving up. Looks like she wasn't going to be the nice person and sleep on the floor. Though, she was perfectly okay with it. She stayed seated on the couch, watching TV for a little bit, feeling as if things could be like normal again. It helps her relax and think. When they'd entered the room, she made sure the door got locked before heading over here, not that it would do much if that GM guy could just blow a hole in the door. She leaned her head back, staring up at the ceiling. Why was this so hard? She just wanted to go back home. This had to be one of her weird ass dreams again. Though, she hadn't had a real nightmare in a very, very long time. She stopped having them when she was still in Elementary school. She let out a long shuddering sigh. Well, tomorrow they'd have to get moving again. As much as she wanted to stay in Ethan's room and revel in the normality of it all, well normal for what happened today, they did need to keep moving. A base wasn't much of a base if they bad guy knew where you were. As much as she hated to admit it, they needed to move on to another place, somewhere away from Kalmaysia. Still, she couldn't help but think of what happened to the characters here. She'd heard Ebil's character earlier that day. She chuckled. So much had happened, she'd even forgotten his name. Matt, wasn't it? The phoenix boy. She sat back up, the TV still going. She looked down to see Euclid already asleep on the floor, leaning against the couch peacefully. She stood up and walked over to Ethan's room to check on Leon and get a few supplies. She smiled, seeing him sound asleep. Good, he needed it. Maybe when he's rested, he'll be of a sounder mind. [i]Though, I think we're all starting to go a bit crazy.[/i] She shook the thought and walked over to the closet, grabbing two blankets and a pillow. With them in hand, she walked back to the couch and placed one of the blankets over Euclid and then made herself a bed on the couch. She lay still for a few hours, simply watching TV before sleep finally took her, the TV still playing lightly in the background, lulling her to sleep.