Name: Mileficent Johnson (People now just call her "Oddy") Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Position (Of the ones listed above): Mime Powers (don't godmod here, for God's sake): She can put up invisible walls and objects for a short amount of time, example: She puts her hands up like there's a wall there and when someone tries getting to her they end up running into it, or she acts like she puts a box or traps on the ground and people will trip or get their foot caught. The walls and objects last for only 7 minutes. Her teeth also sharpen and enlogate when she gets mad or is about to kill someone. Personality: Very playful and mischievous. She's almost always pulling pranks on who ever she can find, or hiding things in unusual places. She has a very morbid and dark side to her though. She often dreams about her death, most of the dreams being of her drowning, and one time she dreamed of how the world would end. Odd thing was that she was never scared. When people make her mad she often plots on how to torture them through mental means. Background info (more like a bio): Mileficent grew up in a relatively normal family. They lived in a small country town and there was no real problems with her life. Highschool was a pain though. Almost everyday she left that horrid building wanting to slaughter over half of the people she knew and often wondered if an Insane Asylum or Mental Hospital would even be better than THIS. She was the weirdo out of everyone. Nicknamed 'Clownzilla' due to the fact that she wore black and white stripes, loved evil clowns, and stood 5'7" which was quite a bit taller than most of the other girls there. She got so sick of everyone that when the Dark Carnival came along, she gladly went to it because she liked the creepy vibe it gave off. She thought it was going to be like any other creepy-styled carnival she had been to, but she was wrong. Wish: To be feared by everyone. But since she had a poor choice of words, literally EVERYONE feared her at least enough to try to avoid her, leaving her feeling left out or invisible, only performers at the Dark Carnival seemed to not have these symptoms, she kinda liked that though. Bonds to other characters: None so far Weapons: Her teeth and whatever's lying around --- This looks aaawweeesssoooommmeee