(Alright. I hope this character's alright, I can change him if he isn't, or make a new character altogether.) [b]Sirius[/b] [hider=large image][img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/220/9/2/001_by_rippertheroo-d6hao0i.jpg][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] In appearance, early 20's. In estimate, hundreds. [b]Height:[/b] 6"2 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Power(s):[/b] The ultimate, unmatched power of having grass for hair.... he has no other powers after that. [b]Personality:[/b] Sirius is a very oblivious individual, lacking in terms of simple everyday knowledge. He is prone to making obvious observations aloud and asking lots of questions. His misunderstanding of people's emotions and sarcasm can make him especially annoying. Sirius besides that is a very selfless character. He wishes to make lots of friends, perhaps sometimes befriending the wrong people. His constant, upbeat personality make him sometimes a delight to have around... [i]sometimes[/i]. [b]Bio:[/b] Sirius, a statue given flesh and bone by some bizarre person and his bizarre spell, has traveled across the world with an aimless passion for meeting new people. His very strange sightings sparked the organization's interest when they got wind of some "grass covered man" sleeping in some lady's garden. When USO found him, he was in some cold forest with his tongue stuck to a frozen pole. When they saved him, he was more then happy to follow them back to the island. He still doesn't know what the organization is about... [b]Other:[/b] Grass is the best kind of hair-do.