Just like that my betrothed dismissed me. Lily showed me to my room and I quickly thanked her, waiting for her to leave. I was curious as to what it was that my bride had seen that had made her dismiss me so. I was walking briskly through the hallways and came to a sudden yet silent stop, Genevieve had changed into a riding dress and is off towards the stables. I follow silently behind her, a sly smirk on my face as we enter the stables. "Beautiful horse," I say after I watch her brush the horse for a few minutes. "Would you care to go for a ride with me? I am sure Amethyst would enjoy stretching her legs some." Amethyst is my own horse, a four year old black mare. I saddle Amethyst and feed her an apple I had left in one of her saddlebags before climbing atop her. I urge Amethyst out with Genevieve and Midnight, matching their pace. "So tell me about yourself your highness," I prompt. "I must confess that I find it disconcerting to be betrothed to a woman that I hardly know anything about other than she was not originally the heir to her father's kingdom. I am deeply sorry for your loss, I am sure your brother was a good man." I pause, realizing I have probably touched on a fresh wound. "Tell me about yourself? What do you like to do aside from dismiss Princes shortly after they propose?" I tease. "I myself happen to also be a fan of riding. I also enjoy reading and spending time among my people. My sisters are most eager to meet you, all four of them."