As the last newcomer came off the boat, Noah knew who he would be avoiding for a while. Irritation poured off the stranger in waves, forcing him to grit his teeth and close his eyes tight to keep his focus. All the other emotions were drowned out like whispered conversations at a rock concert. Nothing good was going to happen if he stayed close, and Noah opened his eyes to look for an escape route. Before he found one, however, all he saw was Caroline pulling the stranger aside, leaving him to tend to the other newbies. "Excellent," he muttered under his breath, visibly relaxing as the two left. He himself was slightly irritated to have been left with the other newcomers, but with James out of the way he might actually be able to handle himself. "Alright, Caroline basically told you everything you need to know, I guess. All that's really left is to show you to the dorms and turn you loose to explore or sleep or whatever it is you feel like doing. if you have any questions for me, you can ask them while we walk. Make sure you've got all your stuff, and let's go." Looking over the others with a cursory glance, he turned on his heel and started towards the center of the island. The sooner he was done with them, the sooner he could retreat to his own secluded home. That is, if he didn't get drawn into conversation with one of the newbies or any other such terrible event.