~Wernher, I like the work you have done so far, seems like a interesting character and I like the NL background info. I will include it when I begin including nation descriptions in the OP and if anything else ever comes up that you want to add just send it to me and I will post it in. I like the flaws as well that was what I was talking about with making the characters interesting. ~Canoli, here are some example fields to get your wheels working. Any of the sciences: Any branch of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc, etc... Engineers, habitat specialists, [B]gate tech engineers[/B], naturalists, geologists, medical personnel, marine biology, cartographers, famous explorers, photographers, journalist, survivalist, microbiologist, etc, etc... ~Orion, Yes cyberization and bioware do exist but much more along the lines of Shadowrun than anything else. While tech is advanced, it is not Trek advanced because there has been no "first contact" to help things along. I have provided a few links to cyberware and bioware concepts from Shadowrun in case you are unfamiliar. [url=http://shadowrun.wikia.com/wiki/Cybertechnology] [url=http://shadowlandsl.wikia.com/wiki/Cyberware] [url=http://shadowrun.wikia.com/wiki/Biotechnology] [url=http://shadowlandsl.wikia.com/wiki/Bioware] The general concepts apply but not necessarily the game mechanics or setting of Shadowrun (though it is similar). There are no "metahumans" or awakened magical characters. Things like essence still exist in the abstract, so you can't implant too much or the body dies. Also, I will detail this more this weekend but I will give a blurb here before the main post Orion. As the characters undergo their trip in hypersleep the ships AI at the direction of the PCC will be altering their bodies. Nano machinery will begin the process of making their bones denser, the muscular tissue more compact and efficient, cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine, and connective tissue will all be improved at the cellular and genomic level by nanotech and biological modification. Your characters will look no different they won't "mutate" or anything like that and when they wake on the ship and they are on Gilese they will feel like they did on earth, even with the enhancements, because the ship is programed to simulate Gilese. That is because the advancements were applied over the 100 year trip to make them feel that Gilese is normal and allow them to function properly without equipment. The gravity of Gilese is about 1.5 that of earth, the atmosphere is hyper oxygenated and pure and along with some other world factors, a bit different than earth. With these "improvements" the characters will feel normal on Gilese. The fun will happen when and if they open the gate and return to earth. The atmosphere there will be near toxic to them but with the improved bodies they will be faster, stronger, have better reflexes, etc, etc all while looking the same. Breathing would be the only problem, but that is what re-breathers and such are for.