Hassle was very uncomfortable in the lab. He knew he was in trouble. This spot had been a place he had picked out and thought would be an easy pick. Apparently though it hadn't been easy at all. When Uncle asked what had happened out there, Hassle was the first to speak, "It was supposed to be an easy run. We had almost everything set in the vans when Ton informed us about the Termination teams. How was I supposed to know they would find us?" Toni sighed, shaking his head, "We should have known from the start. It was just too easy. I took Lucien to the tower on my motorcycle and when he was doing his part of the mission he spotted the Androids above. They almost damn well killed him. Blew up part of the tower. If he had been any longer he would have been killed instead of wounded. I had to carry him back to the bike." "Ss much s I would have not missed him if he was killed, I didn't plan that." Hassle commented, looking from Toni to Uncle, "We shut the vans and rode off. We had all the supplies we needed but those bastards blew one of our vans to bits." "It was in flames. No one survived. I doubt there would be anything left of them." Toni stated without giving hints to Hassle about his mission with the bodies, "And Uncle, for the record, as much as I hate Lucien, for Cassie sake I wasn't about to let him die. That wouldn't be something I had planned." ... When Cassie heard Lucien say her name she breathed a soft sigh of relief, her hands still placed delicately on his cheeks as she leaned down in her joy of hearing his voice and kissed his lips softly and sweetly, her lips still brushing softly against his as she spoke to him, "Yes, it's me....Lucien...you're going to be okay...you can't leave me....you just can't. Promise me you'll be fine..." When his arm began fumbling for her she gently took his hand in her, feeling her tears fall from her face. If he was this badly wounded, she knew he had been at a close call with death. The thought of almost looking him broke her heart. She didn't know what she would do if he had died. Her possible reaction scared her. She was still so newly brought to this new mindset of hers. She was afraid looking him might revert her back into her Android self and make her hurt people. She was afraid of herself. Brushing his blonde hair from his face she kissed his forehead, "I love you....so much."