Name: Marcó Samora Gender: Male Age: 17 Grade: Senior Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Marcó is almost always calm and composed, rarely exitable or loud. He stays in his own group of friends but will happily talk to another person if they are friendly enough. He is at his happiest listening to music. He can sometimes get very hot-headed, but only in rare occasions when he has been deeply offended. History: Was born and raised for ten years of his life in Barcelona, Spain, to a young couple. His father was a dentist and his mother a shop clerk. He was quite an intelligent child, but was never able to prove his potential in school due to his short attention span. His father passed away mere weeks after Marcó's tenth birthday. Soon later, struggling to make a living, Marcó and his mother moved to America, where his granparents lived. There, he quickly picked up the language and way of life. He grew to have a love for music and soon became heavily involved in rock music, learning to play the guitar and playing in several bands. Marcó's mother had fallen ill and passed away when he was 15, meaning that he had to move in with his grandparents. who were only around the age of 60. Marcó switched school to Yellow Lake and is now in his first year as a Senior. Electives: Music, Spanish Anything Else: First language is Spanish but is completely fluent in English