[quote=Alfhedil] I know you've read the NS, as you make references to the nature of the forest, so it's rather unacceptable for you to make assumptions as you have here. Yes the forest will burn provided enough heat is applied, however it is not nearly as flammable as normal organic matter, since most of the plant fibres consist of sulfur compounds bound together to form an analogue of traditional plants. This means that it takes a bit more to ignite the forest, and that traditional "Scorched Earth" methods will not be as effective. Also, do you really have any idea how hard it is to effectively burn a forest down, and keep that fire burning? It took weeks of dedicated napalm strikes to do the damage the US did during the Vietnam war, and in the end the operation was canceled because it was ineffective. That's with modern tools of war, and highly effective incendiary weapons. This brings me to my second point of correcting assumptions. You seem to think that there is swamp land magically there, or that I wish there to be swamp land there, when that is not the case. Forest does not always into swamp, and it does not here, for this is a more tropical forest similar to the likes of Vietnam. [/quote] I didn't say I'd wipe you away in a single war, like I said, it would be an extremely long and deadly process for me, but as my race will have the strength of fast breeding while you have that of your own ecosystem, they will try relentlessly. "Number is a Quality in its own." Said Joseph Stalin. And no YOU did not decide there was a forest there as the land I speak about is in MY border. As much as you have control of placing a dense forest that no one can breath in in your nation, I think I have the right to put a swamp between you and me within my border. Then again if you want there can be no swamp, but that would probably accelerate the process of the Crayvens looking at the toxic blob of dread forest as a danger a lot faster than if a swamp buffered the border. Your choice, I don't particularly care. [quote=Alfhedil] This was what I was initially worrying about, and thanks for confirming it for me. While yes, I do play an excessively isolationist nation that lives in a forest of death, there are still so many ways for me to interact with others in a way that will not make the RP unenjoyable for the opposite person. On the other hand, you're nation is one literally built to make other people's experience of the RP unenjoyable through your self-admitted "Roman Doom" nation that really doesn't care about who or what they are going against. Yes my nation may live in a Forest of Death that is pretty much apathetic to your warmongering and the warmongering of literally everyone else, but I wouldn't have designed it that way unless I had a reason. That reason is to create a nation that is so peaceful and benevolent towards it's neighbors, that they are willing to put their own lives at risk to walk out of the only place in the world capable of sustaining their lives JUST TO MAKE FRIENDS. So with that being said, excuse me if I tell you in simple words:My business is my own, and if you don't like being next to the Forest of :C, then move. You should have looked at what the forest was before you set your nation next to it, as I had my NS up well before you decided to port your warmongers in. [/quote] On the contrary, as my nation is a creation built to collapse on itself I know many people who enjoy to see their cration fight 1 vs 5 battles and then win, causing an empire twice their size to crumble and then be conqueror for a while. And also, I don't dislike being next to the forest, I read your NS before making mine and in fact I'd love it! The contrast, a nation of war next to one of peace, one in harmony with nature next to one that either destroys or mutilate all it touches to serve its purpose. As my nation's system crumbles (And it will, if not through enemies, the Game Master really has to send me one bad harvest to trigger a civil war), they would of course look to others for a solution, something to replace the old order and live in a happier place. It could be you (Then again I won't lie, the story would probably happen all over again). Think of it like France: Glorious Monarchy, monarchy becomes shitty, revolution to make a republic, coup to make it an empire, final defeat and return to monarchy, empire rises again, gets crushed, monarchy tries to be remade but is replaced by republic. Revolutions and Counter Revolutions. If anything I'd say I don't see why your nation is there: If you want to come from a secluded place where you risk nothing what's the point of Joining a nation RP? You say you want to interact but you literally have ONE character who can talk to foreigners. To RP one character isn't the point of NRPs I think. Then again I won't judge, I can't read your mind on your intention, but this brings an interesting point: Neither can YOU. So please stop assuming things. [quote=Alfhedil] Finally:I am here to craft a story that is both interesting and tragic, not wank my way through several other people's creations and lean on "But it's my nation's culture!" as an excuse to warmonger and powerplay through a setting. Also, it's a land where my nation thrives on occasion, and dies more than that, a land that cares nothing for those who live within yet, yet hosts a species that dearly loves the land they live in and all other life as well. So, if that doesn't satisfy you, then I suppose one of us will be moving their claim =) [/quote] The fact that you accuse me of being a powerplayer made me chuckle, thanks for that :lol I hold on my stance: You go in expecting everyone will play by your rules but you accuse me of expecting everyone to play by mine and that is somehow a bad thing. You lack double standards, and this makes me sad. ULTIMATELY: I find that RPs revolve around characters interacting. NRPs revolve around Nations interacting. If you want the character part but not the nation part, you might want to go somewhere else. BUT: To all outsiders who read this little bickering, you our Game Master Hazmat most of all of course, I would like your opinion. I think that the idea of a nation in complete seclusion with the rest of the world and that should somehow have immunity from outsiders is either pointless or rather impossible to have. If all is in the same idea of Alfhedil, that this is strictly a RP for nations to play nice with each other, show mutual understand and RP about how they prosper in peace, I would like this to be stated. Because I will frankly find this boring and will announce my lack of interest right now.