[quote=Alfhedil] Since the rest of your post is useless dribble and not worthy of my time, or anyone elses, I'll just be moving my nation away from yours since you really have no intention to actually work with people. As for your last part, go fuck yourself. You have absolutely no right to put my nation down like that and demand it be barred from entering, as your own nation is just a wanked out roman nation bent on putting everyone else under their heel and any excuse you make to cover it is weak at best, and wank otherwise. Congrats on being put on my personal ignore list.The issue is over, I'm moving my nation to the western continent, don't come at me again in this thread. If you feel like continuing this pointless tirade of yours over how unfair it is that someone else has made a nation they like to be the way they want it to, then take it to my PM box, otherwise piss off. [/quote] :rolleyes Funny how I the warmongering barbarian is the only one civilized in this discussion. Well, if you feel like talking like an adult and actually respond to arguments rather than ignore them, I'll be there until I am told to get out.