Simo was in awe. He had heard how radically different some worlds could be, but seeing it first hand is another thing altogether. There were just so many people, some not even human. One strange race he noticed were tiny little furry things that had strange antenna with a ball on the end of it. So bizarre...yet awesome. While he truly loved his old home (those woods would always have a special place in his heart) he had grown far too complacent there. This on the other hand was...was...he didn't even know what to say. "Normaly this would be the part where I say that it feels like I've stepped into another world...but that's exactly what I did." It wasn't just the people, he also saw so many different kinds of weapons, some of which didn't even look like weapons but most likely were based on how their wielder was holding them. "If I was ever the slightest bit upset with my dad for leaving...this would have completely changed that. I'm amazed he could stay in one place for so long with such wonder and mystery out there, and this is only one world, just [i]one[/i]. I can only imagine what the others would look like" he said to himself as he continued walking through the city ...and then the explosion happened. After that, people started panicking and running like a stampeding herd. While that was going on, some strange black creatures appeared out of nowhere. Simo wasn't sure what they were, however, when one of them jumped a man, that told him all he needed to know "oh boy! Things to shoot!" pulling out his trusty rifle, he took aim at the creature attacking the man and shot it off. With the black things still occupied, he was able to pick off the remaining few of them left. That done, he started running to the source of the explosion "this is just too awesome!!!" He squealed in delight "only a few minutes here and I'm already in an epic fight"