Hearing the mans response Kai cursed inside, she couldn't really take the risk of stumbling around looking for one city. She caught his smile but she was in no mood to smile at all, then she noticed him inspecting her and that only further made her think he was a bandit with a group in hiding. She was trying to think of a way out of this in case he did try and attack her and if he did try, at her current state she would most likely collapse from one swing of his blade. She started backing away slowly from him. She however stopped once he started talking about her enduring the heat, not sure if that was a joke about women being weaker than men, yet at this point she wasn't going to argue, didn't want to give him a reason to be swinging at her. So when he drew his sword that's when she jumped back placing her hand on her own sword. Now some of her sweat being from the heat and from being nervous. Hearing his suggestion of having plenty of food to share, and that they could search for water in the area she just came from. "I..... just came from there, I didn't find any source of water of there. Let me ask you another question, do you know Darrian?"