Wrenching and writhing against the agony of her killing blade, the sea beast thrashed its gargantuan, ugly head left and right in an attempt to shake loose the fearsome woman grasping onto the fins and scales of its thick, armored neck. Her dagger was able to make a few good stickings into the demon, blood pouring ever viscous from its battle wounds and spraying a warm crimson squelch onto the maniacal face of Carmen as she hacked away at the monster serpent's flesh with her dagger. Much damage she could've done with her twin cutlasses, but a knife would suffice. However...it was only agitating the sea devil more, and suddenly, without warning, the beast gave one more thrashing of its head, this time sending Carmen airborne towards the ship. She landed onto the deck of the Bounty, but not smoothly, crashing fierce into a pile of crates and skidding to a halt in splinters.