Alloy nodded with satisfaction as the girl took her lead without further harming the people in the area and turned to head home, "[i]You let her go! What the hell is wrong with you!? When back up arrives, you're under arrest for aiding and abetting a criminal![/i]" the officer earlier shouted as he began to fumble for his radio. Alloy cringed and walked over to the officer, crouching down just as he finished relaying his location to his comrades. "[i]Be on the look out for a male approximately six feet in height, he's wearing-[/i]", The officer was cut off abruptly, having been to absorbed in trying to contact someone, he'd failed to realize Alloy had closed the distance until just before the villain head butted him. "Sorry, but thats something I can't let you do. At least now they know where to pick you up." Alloy said as he stood and ran off in the direction of his apartment building.