I jump slightly and turn towards him. "You nearly gave me a heart attack, Prince James." I put a hand over my heart. I look back at Midnight and nod, "I was planning on riding. I suppose company would be appreciated." He seems kind enough, even if he does stalk people when they obviously want to be alone. I glance over at him once more as he puts the saddle on his horse. At the mention of my brother my heart constricts in my chest. How long will it be until the mere mention of his name doesn't make me want to cry? How many years will have to pass before I can find joy in his memory instead of anguish? I have no idea and I feel lost because of this fact. I feel as if his death will never stop haunting me. I gulp. I Smile softly, "I did not dismiss you." I mount my horse, "I merely..." I search for an answer, "Tried to allow you to be by yourself." I chuckle softly. I look at him as he tells me about himself. What should I say? I love reading? Wouldn't that sound like I'm repeating what he has said? I gulp again. How can he be making me feel so nervous? Why should I care what he thinks. Its not like it would make a difference. "Your sisters want to meet me? I can't imagine why. I"m really not that interesting." I slowly have my horse walk outside into the fresh air.