Kyalia got her daggers out and followed the elves outside and Fenn followed her. Fenn didn't have your conventional her weapons were more like her hands lighting up fireball around them in a controlled flame. "Well...let's kill some spiders shall we?" Fenn asked, before shooting one at the spider nearest her. She grimaced as it didn't light up in flames as she wanted it too but it didn't cause a burn...unfortunately the spider was now focused on her. She sent another blast at it and this time it keeled over and died...of course it was a lucky shot, right in the mouth. She grinned and shot at another one who was going for Kyalia and Kyalia stuck a dagger in it's throat and Fenn shot several seconds of fire at the beast until it was almost dead and then shot some more at it. "Eww...charred bug slime." Fenn crinkled her nose and it and Kyalia rolled her eyes at the witch. "You know for a witch you sure are squeamish about a lot of things." Kyalia informed her and Fenn shrugged as she sent another volley of fireballs at the creepy crawlies coming over the wall. "Well I'm not your conventional witch now am I?" She asked Kyalia as she ducked a lunging spider, shooting it with fire as it went over her who landed right on Kyalia's dagger and then on to the ground, next to a small, and when she says small she means a small number of really big, really gross, dead spider, pile that was beginning to build up. Fenn continued to shoot fire at it, until it was dead and she frowned. At this rate she'd pass out soon. "Think there's another way to kill them?" Fenn asked Kyalia who shrugged. "These thigns are