Sasha had no patience for magic tricks. She had never had patience for magic tricks, not when she knew what the taste of real magic felt like. The one that the nurse called Dante was clearly no half-bit hack, but it was apparent that he could not see the truth of her. There was time yet before the moon found reason to show her full face, and Sasha's skin tingled every time she thought of it. Three quarters waxing was enough to give her a heady rush of power, even though she was not at her full strength, and it made her feel... glorious. She refused to look at the card, fixing her coldest stare on him instead. Hateful glaring was her favourite way of observing people, it made them uncomfortable and showed how they were likely to respond to a real attack. Not that Dante was even looking at her. She was looking at him alright, with his sun spun hair and forest green eyes. He had clever hands, and Sasha had a penchant for clever hands, especially when they were combined with clever men. There was a lot she could see that she liked but by the time she had made up her mind about him he was gone, escaping into the halls of the wretched place. She filed his face and name away for future reference, because she would always need a way to fill the spaces that itch. Not that she knew what the asylums policy on fraternisation would be. Sasha didn't want a relationship, she had never wanted a relationship. Even though she had been in several. There had been Vanya, her very first boyfriend, who had been twenty-five to her seventeen. He had been the first person to make her feel like a real woman who could do real things. He had been the first person to show her how much fun she could have with her clothes off... but ultimately he had also been the first person to dump her because he wanted someone less... opinionated was the word that he used. After Vanya had been Jonas Coleman, a very nice British boy who was just too nice for her. He didn't like the way that she bit him during sex, and she didn't like the way that he tried to keep control of her. Their relationship had not fallen apart nearly so much as it had imploded. Every man after that had been one of the same until she had given up on them altogether. There were only so many bus depots she could trash with magic before someone noticed that the property damage coincided with her break-ups. And because of Vanya almost half of her home town knew that Sasha had lost her virginity in the local bus depot. She did not let her mind get tangled up in the past, instead she lay one hand on the card that Dante had left behind and ignited it with her mind, the blue flame running along the palm of her hand with a gentle warmth but incinerating the piece of cardboard to nothing more than ash. The thought that she should have looked to see if any of the nurses were watching had occurred to her, but Sasha was far too caught up in the rush to care.