[hider=App Ciphra] Soran closed himself off to most people, only opening up to the stealth teams leader, and became a shadow shortly after his sisters death. Strengths(Max 3) - Flexibility, Accuracy, Speed Weaknesses(At least 3) - Long range, Technology, Chemical weapons. FEARS (VERY IMPORTANT - becoming attached to people. [/hider] Alright, above I found a few things that you might want to think about changing. It's a good app, mind! ● Closing himself off of people, but then joining the military? I suppose it'll work, in a way. I'll get to that later, but you don't have to change it if you don't want to. ●I believe Spriggs was on point here (Bonus points to Spriggs!) and pointed this bit out already - but yes, 'Accuracy' and 'Long range' as a Strength then a weakness tend to counteract each other. If you put 'Accuracy (In close combat)' or something similar, it'd clear it up for other people. (Especially me and Jess, who tend to look through accepted apps quite often to make sure everything lines up with our rules when other people read them. Maybe because it's 7am, but it took me AGES to figure out what you meant.) ● How would you be able to RP with anyone without becoming attached to them? I get why this is a fear, though it seems you've become attached to the Stealth Team leader in your backstory. Unless you mean romantically attached to someone. Again, if you clear that up, that's be lovely. ------- Now, I should probably make a little announcement because me and Jessikka were talking about it earlier, and we're quite worried. It seems everyone is making the 'troubled' military character sort of app - and we're not mad at you for that. Deaths of family members and friends help harden the character so that deaths of their enemies have less traumatic impact on them, and they're all actually got something in common and know how each other's pain feels. By all means, keep your characters the way they are - we look forward to meeting them all. What we're worried about is that, at the first chance when they aren't training/on missions, they'll all 'stroll off somewhere quiet to think' and expect others to, naturally, come and ask about their thoughts. The issue arises when it's in other people's CS that they aren't prone to approaching people in conversation, and that's when one reaches a standstill, nobody can think of what to post, interest dies and people leave. Now, like I said before - [i]We do not want you to change your entire personality for this one little worry.[/i] We -like- your characters, else we wouldn't have accepted them. As GMs, the leaders will try to bring people together (Not forcibly like those 'team building exercises', but more out of concern for the bonds between the teams) but all we're asking in return is that your character, at the very least, co-operates with the team leaders OR partakes in conversation with the other members of the RP. I mean, me, Jess, and Hovel can have the team leaders go and talk to Ciphra's character Soran and point him towards Ash for help on the death of his sister and how to cope with it, but if Spriggs sticks to her character and Ash pushes Soran away because he doesn't understand what the death of a husband and 2 kids feels like - then Soran [u]and[/u] Ash don't have anyone to RP with. (IDK if I explained that very well. ^^") And besides! Having a backstory gives people the opportunity to have things in common and/or reveal parts of the backstory when appropriate, but if none of us talked to each other and made a close enough trust bond between characters to do that in the first place, then why have a backstory at all? ------- On a completely unrelated point, I'm so impatient. I really want this RP on the road! \o/ Of course, we're waiting on Hovel to finish his CS (Lettin' the team down there, mister~~~) and for a few more members, but if you want this RP started faster, then I invite you guys to keep bumping the interest check. Like what I'm about to do right now.