Holding the fidgeting boy a little closer Dorian chuckles lightly. “No word on the monster, however I did get to see the entertaining sight of my companion here soaked and a bit filthy.” His eyes remain on the humans as he speaks however his finger tightens comfortingly in the newborn's grasp. The intoxicated men glance at James but their attention immediately turns back to Dorian as he continues. “He insisted on dismounting before reaching town. He wanted to walk alone a bit, and after a particularly amusing tumble or two we met up again not too long after you left me. The time on the road was long and I do not blame him for wanting to walk a bit. A saddle is not made for long time comfort.” The men chuckle and nod. Their spirits seem high despite the recent events, however Dorian is positive that the six empty mugs on the table have more to do with their joviality than any actual good humor. [i]'I would not be surprised if most of the pubs in town are as crowded as this. In dark times men have always sought to flee the realities about them through such detrimental means'[/i] His eyes travel around the room, picking out various people whom he may have an interest in speaking to at a later date before returning his attention to the men before him. The younger one finishes telling some joke or another, Dorian's focus having been elsewhere so he'd missed the joke entirely the vampire feigns amusement with a smile and nods at the youth. Turning his attention to the gun toting elder he smiles as he catches the younger male blushing out of the corner of his eye. “So, what is it like living so close to the ocean? I have traveled the sea once in my lifetime and did not particularly find the aesthetically pleasing. Though I suppose living so close to it provides great trade opportunities.” Tilting his head to the side he adds, “And the chance to meet many interesting people. I do not suppose there are places made for such visitors from over seas. I know many come to this land to seek their fortune, though they come with naught but the clothes on their backs.”