In a feverish panic LeeRoy accidentally broke one of the levers on the main console, trying to forcefully pull his ship up so he wouldn't just nosedive into the dirt. It was damn near a certainty that he was going to crash, but then something parallel to a godsend happened. The entire back half of his ship dropped like a brick, faster than the front half. The sudden slam of weight to the back sent the ship careening through the air, like a dropped piece of wood LeeRoy's ship started upending and correcting itself repeatedly. A spiral of excruciating discomfort as LeeRoy was in a gravitational environment, as the ship spun through the air LeeRoy was thrown about inside of a metal coffin in the sky. "Today is the worst day that I've had in a very long time." 'We're flipping around! We're gonna die!' Forgetting that she's already dead the Voidman panicked and forgot entirely that LeeRoy can't die. Perhaps being flipped through the air distorts one's judgement. While being tossed around the ship, slamming into walls and chairs and computer screens LeeRoy was speaking silently and deliberately. Trying to use his old level tone but with the new gritty voice. "That's unlikely. But I'll be honest, my body is not ready for this. I was literally just reborn from a pile of my own gore." His calmness in a shitstorm was cut short, however, as he slammed facefirst into the roof of his ship. The hull screamed with the sudden impact onto what seemed to be a soft surface, the glass viewscreen shattered and the front of his ship filled with sand. LeeRoy rose to his feet, blood trickling from his mouth and nose. Glass sticking out of his eyebrows from his broken glasses. "Ow." 'That's it? Ow? That's all you have to say about this?' "It's not the first crash that we've survived, won't be the last." 'What the hell hit us?' "Probably something Angar-Ryllan, a bomb or something they planted on our ship." 'That felt more like a sudden jarring impact.' "You feel this stuff?" 'Only the movement.' "Why do you keep withholding information from me?" Leaning up against the wall to steady himself he wandered over to his helmet. Now full of sand from top to bottom. "Great, it'll still work for protection or something." With one hand he shook the sand out and reattached it to his suit. Lucky the visor was still intact, it would provide some protection. The scientist walked out of his ship and into the sandy terrain, in every direction he looked he saw rocks and sand. "Great." 'What?' "You know where we are? You want to know what terrain we are on?" 'Yes! What's wrong!?' "This is a god damned desert!" In one foul swoop his day went from worst in his life, to worst in the fucking multiverse. Died, brought back, had to feel growing back, lost his own voice, was teleported to a new planet, and then fucking crashed. Not just any crash! A crash in a desert! Not a desert planet! No, the ONE desert at the equator! The one desert! "I hate you!" LeeRoy screamed to the sky, kicking sand every which way as he walked away from his crashed ship. "God dammit!" 'Calm down!' "No you calm down! I'm probably gonna have to repair my ship with shit from the desert! I'm not gonna walk! I'm gonna wait right here, because this is bullshit!" LeeRoy was screaming at the voice in his head, audibly furious at this desert. Oh, right, did I fail to mention? His ship is half buried and upside down in the sand!