Thor sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know all that brother, I am sorry for putting you through all that, I know I am arrogant and reckless , But nobody is prefect." The god leaned back. He wondered if Loki would be angry at him forever. "All those times My father was never at your side when you were ill or hurt," He knew not to say our father anymore "I did shout at him and beg him to show concern when he said he was too busy, I have always cared brother. Wether you were related to me or not. You are still my brother." Thor sighed "I never wanted you to be in my shadow, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I could have trained you to fight without magic too had father allowed it, I wanted to brother I did, I never asked to be a hero or future king." He just looked sad, "Ingoring your adivice or warnings didn't mean I didn't care, I am older and more arrogant.. I wanted to think I was always right, I know I wasn't. I have tried to change ." He leaned back. "If you are going to hate me the rest of your life... fine, But I won't stop caring about you. I couldn't handle losing you,"