Freya sighed, looking at the man again. "You asked me who I am. In response I told you that depending on who you are, I may or may not be a threat." She said, walking over to the bed she had woken up in and sitting down on its edge quietly. Only then she noticed the black mark on the man's neck, which seemed to be a perfectly identical version of the mark she had. "Do you by any chance still remember how you got that mark in your neck?" She asked him. She hardly knew him, not did she trust him, but that didn't seem to be important at the moment. They had the same mark, and if he knew at least something about it, than that could turn out to be very useful, and she wasn't going to let any chance on information simply pass by because of her usual distrust. This whole happening, it was all so... Strange, to put it lightly. Just a few hours ago she had been at home with her husband, and now she was in this room, wherever it may be, with a complete stranger as her only company. It was strange and she didn't like it all. She wanted to know what was going on, preferably as soon as possible.