Unlike Kiara, Vin was mildly entertained by Sandal. His jokes and sarcasm was rather amusing- and he didn't deny the comedy when he toyed with Kiara. But as usual, he stayed silent as they had their back and forth, or more rather when Kiara got upset with him. "So Webster and...his assistant." Since the name was questionable, he left the assistant's out. Sandal went on to tell them how he was practically going to be a useless benefactor in the situation. "Well this sucks." The male shook his head. Not even he wanted to accept Sandal's little joke. Not this time. It had gotten too realistic for him. The Big Man Upstairs must've had some serious faith in them. [i]'I hope you remembered that this is your own enemy, not ours. Well, in the sense of, it would've been nice for you to smite him for something.'[/i] His rambles in his head were ceased as the growling proceeded and grew louder. That didn't sound too promising to start with. So much for being eased into the situation. "Just jump right in, huh?" Sandal had disappeared at that point and Vin spoke with a trace of sarcasm. "Tch, he's given us plenty of time to 'learn the ropes' and hope not to die." Casually, Vin pulled out his gun as the growling grew even louder. "Alright, you heard the guy. Don't screw up." Just as the click of his gun could be heard, there was a shift of movement on the ground floor. The color was seen first, being a pale gray. "At least they don't blend in with the sand?" He tried to give a positive thought as the small handful turned into a large group of these pale gray creatures. They resembled large lizards in a way, with their thick scaly skins and heavy tails brushing through the sand behind them. It caused a cloud of dust, which Vin made sure he would steer clear of. The little monsters were quick on four legs. "Sharp claws and sharp teeth. How about we just make sure we don't get hit. At all." There were probably around twenty or so of these rampaging demons. They hissed and growled as they approached. At first, they all planned to scatter through the town to see what they could find- but seeing two humans standing there, almost challengingly, made them growl more. "They obviously don't like people..." Vincent aimed his gun and fired right at one demon lizard. He shot its back, causing the impact to knock it off track, but it jumped up once again, more furious than before. "It didn't work?" He gave a look of frustrated confusion, beginning to shoot them once more. A few times, he would get the same result, and others would die once they were hit. "They're armored. Don't waste your time on shooting their backs. Straight shots to the head." He informed, as Kiara attacked the little monsters too. Noticing one trying to sneak up on her, he pointed his gun as if to shoot at her head, but instead of hitting her, it hit the demon mid-jump attack. He gave a faint smirk and turned to his own issues. "You can thank me later."