"Helm," Celeste roared over the driving storm, "yer drifting. Tighten yer spiral! We don't want the serpent catching us astern!" Barely able to see the shadow of the sea creature for the drowning rain cascading in never ending sheets Celeste turned her head to see someone attempting to play a lute. A literal waterfall fell from the tip of her sodden cap, momentarily blocking her vision and splattered against the deck. Holding on as the ship once more fell the height of almost two men, she felt her feet lift from the deck once more and if she couldn't have held on with both hands she'd have become airborne again. She'd been watching for a clear shot as the two idiot pirates clamored over the sea serpent. At least the serpent wasn't attacking the ship. She had to grant them that. A shot from the swivel guns would near tear one of them in half if the thrashing sea serpent moved the lady pirates into the line of fire. What they really needed, more than anything, and what they'd planned from the start was to bring the long toms to bear. Finally, one of the damn fools was back aboard ship, albeit painfully so. Celeste didn't relish the bruises and possible broken bones that Carmen would possess. Now there was just one pirate between them and the serpent. How either of the women had survived the tossing waves without being capsized in their tiny boat, how they'd managed to not be washed off of the serpent when slammed by the crashing waves, was beyond her. Finally she blasted with the swivel gun, causing a small gout of blood and ichor to erupt from the creature but it wasn't very effective, more so than a mere blade or musket ball but was still little more than a bite from a pilot fish compared to the shark it followed. Right now, she was wondering if perhaps the best bet was simply too fire a fusillade of canister and chain like she'd ordered and simple reduce Alexi to a fine red mist. The worst part was Alexi couldn't very well leap free. Falling into the water was about the same as dying in such a storm. No human being could hope to conquer the power of such waves. The very ship Nature's Bounty which weighed as much as several hundred men was being thrown about like a leaf in the wind. "One of ye scurvy dogs be getting her a line!" Celeste cried out, hoping they could save her before the captain gave the order to fire the long toms.