"Excuse me? Me and this... Layabout as a couple?" Luna asked, huffing before crossing her arms, giving Yari a glare. "I'd never be caught dead with someone like him! He's undisciplined, and loud, and too hyperactive." In the next second the reality of it being a tease dawned on her, making her face burn a bright red. Still staring down Mizuki she turned her head away, narrowing her eyes. What a ludicrous idea, her and Hiro. Shifting her eyes to the corners she looked at the boy who was giving his friends something absurd about sharing money. He was just too soft, and honestly she saw him as weak. So far he'd managed sure, but in a world as unforgiving as Aincrad that was bound to get you killed. There was lightening up and then there was being a wimp, he was the latter. "I agree with Yari, splitting your money is an absurd idea. Besides we've got enough of our own, we don't need handouts." "Okay, just a suggestion." Suto replied, smiling slightly. Just as well, since honestly he hardly had the Col to go around anyways. Swiping a finger through the air he brought up his inventory, looking at the abysmal 213 Col that he had in his possession currently. The others likely had twice as much as him easily, if not more. Unlike them he had a tendency to be a little careless with his money, indulging in things to enjoy himself. Chief amongst those were gatherings with other players n taverns for a fun evening of dance and song. To everyone else it was probably frivolous, but with so much distress he couldn't help but find some kind of enjoyment, it was all that kept him sane. The sound of a familiar voice took him from his mundane task, and he closed the menu to glance over and spot Kenshin. So apparently he'd slipped off as well, and yet there was a discernible lack of his being chewed out by the girls. "That is so not cool..." he mumbled, sighing and hanging his head. A bit of conversation was had over Kenshin's spoils, the details of which were far beyond them all sans Fitch. One thing was certain, he had the entire database implanted into his mind before joining this game. The sheer amount of information that he carried with him was amazing. With a declaration that they were going back out Suto looked to Yari in disbelief, groaning as she geared up. He hadn't been joking about relaxing a bit longer, he was genuinely feeling tired. If everyone else was going though then he'd not sit around by himself while they went off. "Yeah, I guess we did agree didn't we?" Suto mused, smiling as he pushed himself up onto his feet. Bringing up his inventory once more he scrolled to his gear, equipping it all in one fell swoop. In place of his green shirt was a deep blue Gi top, accompanied by Gi pants of the same color. A pair of black boots and black gloves were fastened around his feet and hands respectively, and a black sash around his waist to secure his pants. Smiling contently at having his combat gear back on he flexed his hands a bit, making sure it was all in order out of habit. "Field boss...? Uh... What's that again?" "Oh my... You're hopeless..." Luna grumbled, shaking her head and rubbing at her forehead. "A field boss is a creature stronger than all the others outside of a dungeon. It guards the entrance and has to be defeated in order for us to get into the dungeon. Seriously... Do you pay attention to anything that's said?" They'd only been through four floors so far, it was a mystery how they'd gotten so far with an airhead like Suto. Eying the grin he had on his face she rolled her eyes, looking at Fitch expectantly. "Does he take any of this seriously? Or is he just hopeless?"