"Hooooooh! What a show!" Edmund shouted to himself, clapping himself. "Remind me to praise the boys down at the weapon development branch, will you?" - The mecha did not reply. "Thanks girl." He continued. His sensors were still picking up an incoming object of some sort. It lacked a heat signature, so Edmund assumed it was a projectile of sorts, and by the looks of it, it was a rock. A rock. Yes. A rock. Stone. Rock? What? Such brittle material was no match for his mighty Hellhound. Her very skin could take a nuclear blast head on, what could a fucking rock hope to accomplish? She would stand there, and it would merely bounce off, like a rubber ball. Any moment now. Three, two, one, brace for impa-.. It stopped. The rock, and by extension, the stone pillars all stopped in front of him. Like it was sentient. A thing, with thoughts, and brains and feelings. Rising up from the ground, standing on top of a hand-shaped stone construct of sorts, It spoke. Using words, verbally, Edmund could hear it. Why? What? How did it talk? It was a fucking rock. What was it saying? Something about something, something important? Huh? Edmund hit mute, it could talk all it wanted, he was here to clean the planet, and it was in the way. His way. His path of destruction. His vacation. "You're in my way." He growled over the speaker system, loud enough for anyone within a mile to hear, as he pushed the left and right joystick towards each other. The humongous steel giant swung it's left and right arm together, intent on flattening the shit out of the little bump in the road that was Erde. If the blow met it's mark, whatever remained intact, would be -eaten- away by the huge drills on the center of it's club-like fists. Edmund immediately flipped open another missile tube, and let loose another volley upon the yet-to-be-destroyed part of the city, in the same pattern and approach as before. His mecha was fully equipped to deal with multiple threats simultaneously, and he would not let himself be prevented from carrying out his mission by some walking piece of dirt. Once he crushed it beneath his feet, the only 'threat' against him would be removed, as far as he was concerned.