Oddy looked over at Ambrose when he called her name. Her confused expression changed to a mischeivous and excited expression once he explained that she could still creep people out like she did. She clapped her hands happily, but stopped when Minata said that she couldn't place bear traps around again. Oddy crossed her arms and pouted a bit, but then smiled again and signed, "Oh well, I guess I'll have to save the best for last again!" She silently snickered at the thought and then walked over to Ambrose and signed to him, "So what's Yorick been bothering you about this time? I heard you tell him to 'stuff it' before you got my attention." Oddy said smiling. Ambrose was an interesting clown. She didn't mind how he could sometimes go into pointless ramblings of madness, she kinda found it funny and if she was lucky she could understand a little bit. Since she didn't like normal things, madness was very interesting and sometimes she'd think that 'madness' seemed more 'sane' than what others thought to be the opposite. But maybe she was just a little crazy herself.