Max looked over at Henry, "You gonna open the trunk so I can stash my sword? And I call shotgun. I never ride in the back seat, bad for my image. Let's put the pedal to the metal and get over there. I don't need n any reanimated corpses walking around this city." He shot Henry a look saying [i]get your ass in gear[/i], as he was anxious to see what exactly was going on with the body. He hoped it wasn't as he feared, but only way to be certain was to actually see what was going on. In his mind, he was preparing for the worst. He had a hunch that went along with his previous vision. If indeed the hell spawn had extracted the victim's soul, then quite possibly, the reanimation was just a demon that decided to inhabit the body as per "Big Man's" orders. Max got a chill up his spine as he felt the thing trialing them get closer. Max walked over as Henry popped the trunk and he placed his sword in there. It took up the whole length of the trunk diagonally. It's width almost filled up the trunk completely as well. Why he insisted on using this sword, was for his own reasoning, as he felt it the best protection he had. Closing the trunk, he went around the side of the car and opened the passenger side door and hopped in the seat. He turned over and looked at Henry. "Step on it sister, we got demons to slay." ((check the oc for a short back story on Max's buster sword))