A short silence descended upon them and Takiko remembered the first creature, the slow one, and realized it had vanished as they'd been engaged with its fellows. She scowled, looking around, and then staring intently at the forest where it had fallen into the bushes moments ago. Nothing. No rustling, nothing was moving and she couldn't hear its heavy breathing anymore either. She didn't believe that those things had any sense of danger. It definetly hadn't fled after seeing its companions dealt with. No. That it had vanished was not a good sign, not at all. She gulped, then turned around, heading around her car, one eye always searching her surroundings, one ear always at attention to pick up any possible sound indicating they'd get company. She glanced at the younger girl before she opened the door of the passenger side, first putting on her dark-green cargo jacket, then grabbing the basket, leaving the backpack in there as well. She went to the back of the car, putting it down on the trunk, which was conveniently wide and at a good height. She grabbed her backpack, opening it and sorting around inside for a second, before putting it next to the basket and starting to shove several of the big waterbottles and as much rations inside as it could hold. Which was about half of what she'd originally managed to acquire. Takiko zipped her backpack closed, slinging it over her shoulders and grabbed the basket again, walking over to the girl with the pixie haircut. She put it down in front of her and gestured towards it. "Take it. I can't carry it all and you likely saved my life just now, it's the least I can do." she said with a small, thankful smile, then turned around to the car again, getting in on the drivers side and reaching over to open the compartment box where she'd stored the map. Then another thought came to mind and she took the keys as well, putting the folded map in her jacket pocket and closing the door beihnd her out of habit as she got back out, she went to the trunk again, unlocking and opening it, her eyes searching and finding the indents on either side. In the left one was a the first-aid-kit she'd been looking for, still wrapped in foil and completely untouched. She grabbed it, closed the trunk and took off her backpack again, to sort around and push until it fit inside. Now she was glad that she'd decided to pay more for the backpack when she'd gotten it, a cheaper one most likely wouldn't be able to carry all that without ripping to pieces. When she was done, she put her backpack back on and pulled the map out of her pocket, spreading it on the trunk. She let her fingers slide over it until she found the road she was on and followed it, until she found the place she thought herself to be. A mile down the road, it would cross a slightly bigger one and it would take some more to reach the suburbs she'd been heading for. She sighed, not too happy at the prospect of walking for hours and then having to find a safe spot to stay the night. But there was no way around it. She neatly folded the map back together and turned to her lifesaver. "Thank you, again. I've got to head that way," she gestured down the road. "I hope we meet again and I can return the favour. Stay safe until then." she finished her sentence in earnest, before turning around and starting to head down the road. --- She had gone quite far, before she decided it was probably safer to continue following the road from a bit of a distance and go through the forest. She would be louder, but the bushes and trees swallowed most noises and anyone else would make just as much noise as herself. Takiko glanced behind her a few times, wondering whether the girl from before was heading the same way, or had probably followed her, but the glances she threw back didn't tell her much and she'd have to stop and look properly to make sure, since she'd definetly stumble if she turned her head for too long. She sighed to herself again, something she hadn't been doing nearly as often before all of this had happened and wondered why she had avoided the girls company like that. Maybe someone to talk with would've been nice, but then again, sooner or later she would've had to leave her side. She couldn't get distracted from what she had decided to do. She'd go home, or anywhere she could think of and she'd find her parents. Alive. Anything else wasn't acceptable to her and she wouldn't even regard it as possible. Her mind filled with such thoughts, she reached the bigger dirt road her smaller one was crossing, only realising she had arrived on it, when she felt the different ground under her feet, heard the crunch of stones and over all that the sound of a motor running and weels driving over the dirt really close to her. She looked up, standing in the middle of the road, eyes going wide at the sight of the big vehicle coming closer and she leaped forward hitting the ground as she rolled over her shoulder the way she had learned it, off the road on the opposite side, and into the bushes as the truck drove by. Her heart in her throat it took her a second to realize that despite humanity getting eradicated by infected creatures, she'd almost managed to get driven over by another of the very few survivors. When her mind, and heart, calmed down a little, she sat up, hissing at the several cuts and bruises her stunt had earned her. Her hands were a mess, dirt and pebbles stuck in the wounds and burned so badly she had tears in her eyes. She could see her glasses lying on the road, seemingly fine. She cursed and got up, ignoring her aching limbs as she climbed out of the bushes and back onto the road, dirt and leaves clinging to her clothes. This really didn't seem to be her lucky day.