[quote=Blue Dog] I've always been very flexible with my CS s so it could have been about the same time as melody. How long ago would that have been?Also Ham, I have some ideas, I'll pm you tonight, gotta get to work soon though. I just have one question for right now though, how would Bjorne interact with younger children? [/quote] He loves younger children, as he is pretty much one himself, albeit in a much larger body. [quote=Evangelyne] So I've been keeping an eye on your CS's and have a some thoughts about relationships.Since Melody have done hard labour all around the community it wouldn't be surprising if she had met Bjorn or even worked beside him for a while. By the looks of it you worked hard, so that would mean you would have earned Melodys respect. So can we maybe be acquaintances? [/quote] Of course. Bjorn has done all kinds of physical work, and probably would have bumped into Melody at some point. Just to be clear about Bjorn, he's not a regular hang-around-with-people type. The blacksmith pretty much owns him, and keeps him on a tight leash; nothing he himself has a problem with, but you know, he's got a set bed time and isn't allowed near 'bad influences'. He's almost always off on errands, and gets yelled at for stopping to talk to people too long. However there are times when he gets a few hours of the week to himself and his antics. Most interactions will have taken place during work, or as brief conversations. He is friendly to everyone, unless they are 'bad people'. In which case he ignores them, runs from them, or in a few circumstances, gets inadvertently violent with them.