[quote=Nefarious Prime] Looks good so far, make sure you've read da' rules, though I'm guessing the Post Sample will take care of anything missing. :P EDIT: Damn, real quick on the draw there, I look like a jerk now. XD [/quote] [center][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/059/8/c/y_u_so_cute_by_dafnugen-d4r90p2.gif][/center] All is forgiven... jerk face. JK. JK. I'm a notorious, accidental ninja, though I'm sure my mind is just making that part up. ._. Probably. *Cough* Also, I hope you guys know what, or rather who, my character alludes to. :3 I would have made a human, but the idea called for a feline faunus. D: