(Keeping Peter Pan because I am proud of the concept and really want to play him, as for a second I'm going to take out Cyborg 009 and try to come up with something else.) Name: Peter J. Barrie Alias: Peter Pan Role: Titan Brief Bio: A long time ago, in a part of the history of London. A family welcomed their first boy into the world. Named Peter, they dreamed up many things he could accomplish. However still an infant, Peter wound up leaving the house while unattended one day. Seeing a beautiful fairy fluttering around the streets. When he got fairy dust on him. It enabled him to fly, where he traveled the skies until he reached a far away place known simply as Neverland. Although he grew in age, it was seemingly snail paced compared to what the real world was going through. Peter ended up meeting a group of other like minded kids his age that became known as The Lost Boys. All of whom tutored Peter in the ways of this land. As Peter grew he eventually became the Lost Boys’ charismatic leader. Where he worked along with the indian tribes, and fought the vicious pirates led by Captain Hook. Peter Pan eventually even became able to fly on his own without needing fairy dust. Occasionally some members of The Lost Boys would travel out, seeking new members in the world. Some of the kids would stay and join rank, other kids it was a simple few days or weeks playing. However that all changed when Peter himself met a young girl named Wendy. When Wendy arrived she didn’t seem to have fun like they did. She asked them questions about their real lives. Peter and the boys became confused by what she was talking about. Until finally Peter took a moment to return to London. Where he realized not only his parents were long gone, but according to what he could find on them, they had gotten another boy, all records showing they had forgotten seemingly about Peter. The Lost Boys and Peter Pan tried to continue to play and live their lives on Neverland. But things were not quite the same when Wendy seemingly left in disgust. Slowly, members of The Lost Boys began to return home, Peter tried to stop them at first. Valiantly but only to have more and more leave. Soon Peter was all that remained. Peter dreaded in the pit of his stomach the idea of going back once and for all. To have to have these ‘responsibilities’ Wendy had mentioned. Finally though, with his head hung in shame, Peter left Neverland for the last time. It took some years to be able to create an identity for himself. Peter Pan became Peter Barrie, a young man who after a few years of schooling was able to get work at a toy shop in downtown London, along with a small but liveable apartment. He worked a comfortable shift, and was a huge hit with the regular customers and their kids. Peter has since reconnected with some of his old friend in The Lost Boys, but after letting Tinkerbell pass away peacefully from age, and getting used to modern life as he now aged a few years into his late teenhood. Peter Barrie felt like he was able to leave life as Peter Pan behind for good. That is until one day all adults in the world seemingly vanished. Using his flight and skills, Peter helped a fellow group of young heroes to solve the problem. Now with a new craving for adventure Peter has split his time between working at the toy shop, and being Peter Pan once again. Abilities: The biggest ability of Peter is his ability to fly. Able to achieve top speeds of about 100 miles per hour. Which he had gotten through constant exposure to fairy dust. On top of this despite his young age, Peter has eons of experience with combat, in particular swords. As Peter carries a cutlass with him into any battle. On top of that Peter’s seeing and hearing are second to none. As well as his ability to understand and speak languages. Personality: Still considerably a little kid in a grown man’s body. Peter has matured since his time on Neverland, but still has a long way to go in being completely mature. Peter is a boastful lad, always one to mention his own greatness even when the claim could be questionable. Though he never means to be arrogant by doing that, its just a personal running joke he likes. Brave almost to a fault, Peter has a devil-may-care attitude when it comes to handling situations. Though with that his sense of justice and fairness is strong. Although he has pretty much been all of his life fairly self-centered and selfish. Peter has matured from that after giving himself real issues. Although he can still be a bit childish for the wrong reasons at times. He gets sadden if someone brings up his parents, and although he gets along best with children. They can remind him of his days in Neverland and also dampen his mood a bit. All that said though, Peter is someone you can be proud to have as a friend. Appearance: [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/084/3/e/flying_boy_by_samuraiblack-d4tuirh.jpg[/img] A fit, handsome young ginger haired man. Although Peter could be considered almost thousands of years ago, because of his time in Neverland and subsequent years back on Earth. Peter is technically 18 years ago. Possibly more or less, but he frankly can’t be bothered to look into it. Having a nicely fit frame, even though Peter’s eating habits should make him a sumo wrestler (he claims he has a high metabolism… though it could be argued he doesn’t even know what metabolism even means). While Peter has a polo shirt, with name tag, and pants with sneakers for work. Typically Peter outside of any kind of work doesn't really dress very mature at all. T-shirt with some wacky thing on it, jeans or cargo pants, and flip flops no matter what the temperature is. Yes, his gone out in freezing cold in flip flops and never thinks twice about it. As for the costume Peter wears as his Peter Pan persona. Originally when he was little the suit was actually made from leaves and other natural things. Stuff which doesn’t provide much protection, not to mention decency. So Peter got a new outfit made from clothes, a bit of spandex, and a bit of leather. He has with it a holster for a sabre sword Peter was able to buy from an antique shop. He chose it due to having a similar weight and feel to the one he regularly fought Captain Hook with. Though he swears it has a sneaking suspicion that it’s not a coincidence. As he swears he’s seen the sword elsewhere but can’t place a finger or where or when. Affliation: ‘Tootles’ - Former Lost Boy, now works as a police officer in Washington as Chris Allport. Friends with Peter through internet. ‘Slightly’ - Former Lost Boy, now a stand up comedian living in London as Edward Slight. Him and Peter go get a cup of coffee once a week and is Peter’s closest friend from Neverland. ‘The Twins’ real names Josh and Aaron Binky - Former Lost Boys, now they live in the US in different locations. Both internet friends with Peter. Leonard Aster - A mid-40s aged man who runs the toy shop Peter works at. A kind man who adores Peter’s commitment to work and ability in handling the young clientele. Has no knowledge about Peter’s life in Neverland. Teen Titans: The group Peter Pan has become affiliated with.