Name: Henry Woodwick Age: 18 Gender: Male [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Appearance: Henry is a tall young man, standing at exactly six feet. While he does not have bodybuilder proportions, he does have a toned athletic physique that he is quite proud of. Due to living pretty much all his life outdoors, his skin is lightly tanned. Not pale, but not bronzed either. His face is round, and rather boyish. Marked by large, expressive, brown eyes. These features give him a rather youthful appearance. He has short, messy, chestnut brown hair. Except for the top of his head, and eyebrows, the rest of his upper body is void of any hair. Were it up to him, Henry wouldn't wear any clothes period. It's much more comfortable that way. Unfortunately, society frowns upon that kind of thing. He dresses simply. He can't exactly afford fancy clothes or armor, so he makes do with what he can get. He wears a short sleeved, form fitting green tunic on the top, a pair of matching green tights on the bottom, and a matching pair of booties on his feet. A brown leather belt is tied around his waist. He can usually be seen wearing a green hat with a red feather sticking out from it on top of his head. Personality: Henry is very excitable, hyperactive, and outgoing. He finds joy in the smallest of things, and has no problem expressing these feelings. He enjoys meeting new people, and trying new things for the sake of variety. The combination of these traits make it difficult for him to sit still and concentrate on one thing for long periods of time. Because of this, he likes to actually do stuff, instead of sitting there reading about it. While he is able to think quick on his feet during intense situations. he often acts impulsively, and jumps to conclusions without thinking first. Henry's ultimate goal in life is to have fun, as well as show others a great time. He is the type that prefers to live in the moment. He doesn't plan for the future, and he finds sticking to a schedule boring and restrictive. He doesn't really like schedules or routines, finding them boring and restrictive. He can keep appointments well enough most of the time, but he tends to take on a lot of tasks on a whim, and then becomes overwhelmed when there are too many things to do, and then he'll forget things, or rush to get things done wind up producing bad results. He enters new situations with a smile. He also doesn't care for boring and monotonous tasks. He is much more focused when he is doing something he is interested in, but he will still get bored eventually. History: Henry was born and raised in a small village that was known for it's dense forests, and for being filled with flowers in full bloom no matter what season. Even as a child, Henry always seemed to have boundless energy. He could often be found outdoors playing with other kids, and exploring his home when he had free time. Sometimes, his enthusiasm got him into trouble. He'd often wander into places he wasn't supposed to, and it was difficult to keep the boy still. He led a fairly normal life, and was quite popular with the other kids in the kingdom. Unfortunately, Henry found it too normal, to the point of being boring. All anyone seemed to care about was tending to the flowers. Henry found that dull. He knew there was adventure waiting beyond the kingdoms borders. Unfortunately, his parents refused to let him leave every time he asked to leave to go explore. The rest of the history changes depending on the RP. Will modify this later...