Freya was trying her very best to suppress and hide what she was feeling. It was what she always did, except when she was at home. She was a rogue, she couldn't afford emotions to get in the way of a job. Getting scared when things were becoming more dangerous or when she was being chased, guilt appearing when she betrayed someone, such things were unwanted. No, those weren't good things for her to show up during a job, and being so used to doing it everywhere but at home, she did so automatically this time. "I do not know, but I have the same mark in my neck as well, which why it concerns me." Freya answered, enabling the man to see the mark on her neck for a moment, before hiding it again. It was too bad he didn't know anything about the mark, but supposed that she may as well go on in that case. Maybe she could find information somewhere else. "well anyway, I am not just going to sit and wait here. I am going to find out what the hell is going on." She said as she got up, walked to the door and put her hand on the knob, only to find out it wasn't opening. She let out a sigh and let go of the knob again. "Someone locked the door."