"Don't tell me what to do." Henry huffed but popped the trunk nevertheless. "Fuckin' Max with his fuckin' medieval sword. Guns exist for a reason..." She had muttered once he was slightly out of earshot. Of course he probably heard anyways, but this was not of Henry's concern. Instead she was fixated on picking a station, alternating between her two favorite classical rock stations. When Max got situated in her seat, she put the car in gear - ignoring the man's tasteless comment beside her - and swerved out of the parking lot. She could hear the sword skitter in the trunk and she growled under her breath, "That hunk of metal better not scratch up my car, Max." The road was crowded and Henry maneuvered deftly and illegally around the cars, paying no heed to the annoying honks others gave her. "What's the address for this place, again?"