Good thing we moved here when we did--SB is completely down right now. Incidently, this means I can't get at my original CS atm. I'll edit this latter for inconsistencies (what, you thought I was going to include everything about me? This is the internet, people). Also, adding previous IC purchases to CS (will be marked with "*") Name (Male Persona): David Smith Name (Female Persona): Helen Mengele Age: 23 Biological Sex: Male Gender: Meh, I'm a mind in box made of meat / whatever I feel like at the moment. Appearance, Male: Skinny, 5' 6", vaguely effeminate. Caucasian. Brown hair (buzz cut), Green eyes w/ long lashes, stubble. Apearance, Female: Petite, 5' 6." Caucasian. Red hair (wigs are awesome), Green eyes w/ long lashes. Strengths: Intelligent, ruthless. Never thinks with the little head. Weaknesses: Sociopathic fanatic devoted to bringing about the singularity at any cost. Paranoia, tendency to forget social niceties / human decency when feeling threatened. Skills: Can cross-dress extremely convincingly. Working knowledge and experience of homemade explosives and incendiary devices. Foundational / working knowledge in biology, anatomy, and chemistry--is an embalmer. Good cook. Can realisticly shade skin with a fine tip sharpie (pencils are for amatures--still, I'm absolutely hopeless at painting and sculpting). Can pick locks and forge low-quality fake IDs; good enough to get into a bar that isn't looking too close, but will not hold up under scrutiny from law enforcement / other relivent proffessionals. Basic understanding of computer hardware. Equipment, Male: Leatherman tool, butane lighter, wallet with legit ID. Cell phone. Generally wears a loud Hawaiian shirt with Khaki slacks and white undershirt, with sunglasses. Set of lockpicks. Keys. Equipment, Female: Purse containing a butane lighter, can of hairspray, wallet with fake ID, cell phone registered to Helen Mengele, cosmetics, lockpicks, keys, and Drano / brake fluid bomb (aka "Stealthed Molotov Cocktail")*. Usually wears a dark green, blue, or black long sleeve shirt (either a highish v-neck or a turtleneck) with black jeans and an Elder Sign necklace (if wearing v-neck, and necklace is more like a collar--have to hide the adam's apple, it's the number one way guys in drag get caught). House: Small two bedroom, one bathroom dwelling on the edge of town. Has a fully stocked kitchen with stove / oven, fridge / freezer, pantry, rice cooker and wok. Living room has all available wall space taken up by bookshelves overloaded with tightly packed volumes, including a hollowed out bible concealing a pair of state of the art 16mb MRAM chips from 2013, as well a tome of illusion magicks* and a book on warding*. One corner of the room has an armchair and lamp, the opposite corner is taken up by a desk with a high-end (for 2013) laptop (Window 7--fuck Windows 8 in the ass with a pitchfork) and printer. In the back yard, which has a high, solid wooden privacy fence, there is an old rootcellar where I keep my pryomaniac paraphenalia, currently about 10 kilos of thermite with magnesium based fuses (stored on opposite wall) and materials for another 20 Drano / Brake fluid bombs*, and leave my home-made Kim Che to ferment. Misc. Things I don't keep on me / non-material purchases: 24 empty syringes purchased anonymously from a shady website.* An anonymous P.O. Box (set up while female)* One used Toyota Camry* Parkour Classes* Pre-registration for gun safety / basic markmanship training classes* Stuff I'm most likely forgetting, hence why I'll edit this latter when SB is working again.