Ireth watched as the innkeeper laughed and walked away. He said nothing he hasn't heard before, and almost everyone told her either not to go in there or that it was a horrible idea. But, those comments made her heart quicken. Nobody has ever returned, they say. But what if somebody [i]did[/i]? And what if that someone was [i]her[/i]? Discovering the secret of Valuun Keep...would be the adventure of a lifetime, she could just feel it. She turned to the mysterious man who looked to be...a mage? He seemed wise...and did offer his knowledge. Ireth folded her arms, glancing at all the others around her, "I am Ireth Vardamir. It is a...pleasure to meet you." She narrowed her blue eyes at the man in front of her, "You're warning doesn't discourage me...tell me what you know." When the innkeeper returned, Ireth gave him a small smile, "Also, I'd like a room please. I believe I shall be staying the night..." She needed to get as much information as possible and also work out some type of plan...that could take all night. She had no idea what the inside of the place looked like, what lies in there. Sure, most of the information she'll get is rumors, but at least it's [i]something[/i]