Natasha groaned as she came to, her head throbbing in pain. What the hell happened? Last thing she remember was.... What was the last thing she remember? Clint... and those icy blue eyes... And a solid kick to the side of the head. Well, that explained the throbbing. Where was she? She took note that she hands hung above her head and that her feet barely touched the ground and how she was bloody cold. She looked up at her hands to see herself in handcuffs draped over a large hanging hook. She was hanging like meat in a freezer. The cold made sense now. She kept looking around and noticed the door to the room in front of her. It seemed like someone was awfully confident that she wouldn't be able to get herself out. She looked back up at the hook, it was far too large for her to lift the handcuffs up and over, that was most likely why she was dangling. If her feet had been flat she could have created more height. Not like this though. Her next bet was to start swinging, the hook wasn't meant to keep sturdy when being swung. Maybe at the right angle, it would move forward and dislodge her. However, as she started to move her legs to swing, she cried out. A unexpected shooting pain rose up her left leg. Had Clint broken it? Did they do it just to prevent this escape? Realizing, as she dangled from the roof, that this had all been set up perfectly just to stop her. The handcuffs were to long to allow her to grab the hook, she was too high up and the hook was too large to lift or maneuver herself off it, and with her leg, not only was swinging going to be excruciatingly painful but it was going to make getting out of there incredibly difficult. Besides, she didn't know what was on the other side of the door. For all she knew, Loki could have gathered swarms of men to stand outside that door. Of course, she could only even assume that it was Loki who had done this. Then again, it was Clint who had knocked her out, so surely it was him... There was a clang followed by a thud. Natasha looked to the door and stared at it. There were few times in her life that Natasha had ever felt helpless. Even in hostage situations, she was always in control... But in this moment, hanging from the ceiling and glaring at the door in front of her, no means of escape (yet), no information on what was happening or where they were, she felt entirely helpless.