Rose Dawson woke up in her shabby cot, feeling her quilt had been yanked off of her by her little "sister" Jenny. She wasn't actually Rose's sister, but she was taken in by Rose and the others in the gang and raised as if she were. Rose smiled and got out of her cot, making sure not to disturb Jenny with her movement. She traipsed her way over to the small metal tub where all the girls took their baths, getting into the cold water and not minding that it was extremely cold from last nights winds. She was completely used to it by now, and although she wished for scalding hot water, she knew that was a selfish thought so she took it back. Soon enough she had washed her gorgeous blonde hair and pale skin, getting out and rinising her hair with a bucket of cold water. She then got dried off with a small rag that they all shared, hanging it by the fire so it could dry. She put I some kindling to the fire, making it spark to life again. She let herself dry the rest of the way off as she polished the tips of her arrows, knowing that some of them still had blood on them from her last kill. Which had been a deer, not a human. Once she was fully dried off she put on her somewhat skimpy clothes, knowing it attracted a lot of men, including the leader of the gang. Or maybe it was her extremely curvaceous body! She honestly didn't know, but soon enough she would find out. She heard the leader stirring, immediately running for the door but she was too late; he had gotten there before she had by teleportation. "Where do you think your going gorgeous?" He asked, planting a kiss on her lips. She flushed red, knowing she couldn't refuse him his morning tease since he could kick her out of the group as easily as you could eat a lot of bacon. "I'm going to hunt for breakfast." Rose replied softly, making him smirk at her. "Alright beautiful, but don't forget to bring home some more eggs, we need them." He said, going off to get himself ready for the day. She breathed a sigh of relief, heading out the door that was made of a buck skin covering and into the forest outside. She went off to find what they needed, coming back with a twelve point buck, some pigs, rabbits, squirrels, chickens and their eggs. Everyone was awake by the time she got back, the girls skinning and plucking the animals before cooking them to everyone's satisfaction. Then they sat down and said prayers before digging into their meal, and afterwards they made clothes for some of the newborns some of the clan woman had just had. Then the men set about making their plans to capture the prince, and the only girl allowed in was Rose herself since she had a spectacular power that literally no one could resist. When she sang, people had to immediately stop and listen. They were frozen, unable to move until the song was over. And the men usually used her ability to take advantage of a situation. And that's the only reason she was allowed in. This plan making went on for three hours before they got word that the prince was I the woods...... And they sent Rose to go find him.