On a planet not unlike earth but crawling with far more magic and wonder there are those who call themselves heroes. Chosen by their respective clans to defend their land many of these heroes have turned to war. The nature of these heroes supports these changes in the recent years. With the expanding population and diminishing food sources have forced these clans to clash more recently in the past few years. The planet has only one supercontinent on it and a large ocean surrounding all the land. To the southe east is a small mining civilization filled with lizard people. Their main exports is armor and gold. Further southeast bordering the ocean but still working the comfines of the mountain (this area is completely locked off by the mountains and offers a powerfully strategic advantage) are the people who share homes with snakes. Riding giant basilisk these people are short stubby and slow. To the west are the magi, a conservative culture that live in the tropical part of the world and worship the sun god Deia. Father north are the humans and the dragon folk who share a common bloodline and have rarely seen any reason to strife. The center of the continent is a heavily forested area where native cat people roam free. And in the north east are the wolf people. Lizard people are strong brawler type characters. These people are a proud and rich clan. Basilisk riders are short and stubby and are incompetent with weapon capability but are heavily armored. Most of their armor comes from the lizard people, but the basilisk are not armored. Magi are quiet conservative and dark folk who stay commuted to their magic arts and study. Humans are just humans Dragon folk are skilled in hand to hand combat and are masters of many forms of martial arts, some of the best fighters are even capable of manipulating the elements when they punch or kick fast enough to catalyze the air around their appendages. Cat people are a fun loving race that worship the land and practice scarcity. They are highly athletic and are often seen hunting game while jumping from tree to tree. The wolf folk are master hunters. Able to track almost anything they primarily are at war with the cat folk. They are an advanced civilization with many cities and me has along the coast. Pick one race, Name: Physical description: Fighting style: Weapons/magic abilities: The role play will begin when there is at least one hero from each clan. 5 heroes max per clan.