Tavis felt a sense of pride as the plethora of cameras flashed at him and the crew. He also felt a bit out of place. Everyone was wearing formal clothing, he obviously couldn't because of his suit. If he had enough credits he would have probably bought a new suit without all the scarrings and dents, but he had just spent most of the remaining credits he actually had left on weaponry. He had seen his team members before he had gone in, they seemed capable enough, he just hoped the ground team that went with him were as capable as they looked. Soon enough he was inside the ship he would call 'home' for the next while. The Turian began the introductions. It turns out his name was, Talus and he was a part of the ground crew with Tavis. Tavis took his turn after Talus and introduced himself. "My names, Tavis, I'll be on the ground crew too" If he wasn't wearing a mask he would have probably grinned in good faith.