To quote from Skype... [9:25:39 PM] Kingsly Ciferbolt: wot [9:26:26 PM] Kingsly Ciferbolt: plot: the setting is 2020 something and you are a prisoner due to showing showing your powers and/or junk. break out and become a hero or villain or whatever make the world a better or worse place this will star in Metropolis idc w/e let the new reign of super humans begin --- Anyways, it is 2019, and the world's heroes have died away. Crime is rampant throughout the countries due to the lack of heroes, though the law enforcement officers, and the government in general have dialed this down as to not panic the citizens. They believe that, now that there are no more heroes or villains, humanity could move on as a strictly humanoid, power-free democracy. They were wrong. Super genes cannot be killed off, as it were. Teenagers, children, adults...many have shown powers, or at least vigilante-like attitiude and personality. The government takes them out before they can cause trouble, or change the world as normal and average and boring as it is. However, there are some that cannot be killed off so easily, or at least won't be able to be killed off without causing attention, so they have been locked away...deep within the depths of Metropolis, the origins of the long-dead Superman. --- Basically, we are prisoners, locked away in a high-security prison located deep within the depths of Metropolis's underground. We were arrested due to generic, racist reasons - Superpowers, Batman-esque outlooks on fighting crime/vigilantism, and other such reasons. They have locked away Metropolis's only superhumans...but what if they escape? The prison is called M.S.P, or Metropolis Superhuman Prison, and is kept on the downlow. All prisoners are 'equipped' with orange prison outfits, along with power-restricting wristbands. Unknown to the MSP, but the wristbands, being only prototypes and one-of-a-kind, have been slowly deteriorating over the months, making it so that you can use only a tad bit of your genetic powers. The prison is gigantic, stretching all along Metropolis itself and holding cells upon cells of prisoners. There are specific sectors, and occasionally, every Sunday (heuheuhe), randomized prisoners are allowed to congregate inside of a large 'community' room, with laxed security and only a few cameras. The RP will began on Sunday. We are all prisoners. You can know each other if you want. We all are the selected prisoners to have a day in the community room, which is the only room with clean floors, walls, bathrooms, and food. There's also computers, but with shitty games like Solitaire and checkers. Also, no internet. Wanna escape? Or end up dying in your own cell? That choice is yours. But, if you want to actually enjoy the RP...I recommend eventually escaping with the other escapees.