Soo. Awks. But I decided to change my character completely, after getting hit with essentially the best idea I've had in quite some time. I do realize that it's outside of the age-range you set out originally. [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Harvey Ross [b]Age:[/b] 68 [b]Cause of death:[/b] Heart Failure. [b]Powers: [/b] Super Strength, Flight, Invulnerability, Super-Endurance. [b]Occupation:[/b] Printer Salesman. [b]Hometown:[/b] Lawrence, Kansas. [b]Backstory:[/b] Harvey's story is long, but overall, rather boring. He was born into the lower middleclass in the 40's , 1946, to be precise. Two years after the world war. Harvey did the normal military duty, and in his young days had dreams of becoming a police officer. But those dreams didn't come true when he, at the age of 26, was in a car crash, rendering him handicapped for the rest of his life. He's walked with a cane since then, forcing him to keep a less physically active job. He had, at that point been married for two years. He's got a son who's in his 30's now, Michael. Harvey's life has been the way one would've expected it to be, he's the average man, working the average, dead-end job, living a life he's not in the very least happy with. Dreaming, wishing, that there would've been more to his life. That his wife would stop nagging, that his kid would stop trying to put him into a nursing home. Harvey just cannot believe that his body is already this old, that his brain is stuck in it.