James presses himself closer to Dorian as the elder vampire regales the men with the tale of how James had been travelling with him all along and had come upon a slight misfortune when he decided to go his own way. The young blonde lowers his eyes when the men look over to him and they are quick to brush it off as a look of embarrassment while truly James is fearing recognition, he is certain that no one had witnessed him on the hunt but he cannot be too careful. With the attention of the men turned away from him once again lets his eyes wonder around the crowded room. In his mortal life he had never realised just how much people stank, their bodies jammed together in rooms so musky and warm that James was sure it should be hard to breath, although since he no longer has use for air he is not burdened by this. The older man smiles at Dorian. "Been here for almost ten years Squire, this lil' town is part of the life blood helpin' provide for everyone. We may not be as big as New York or Boston but we do our fair share of the work." He begins to pack his pipe with tobacco. "All the farmers come with their trading goods and we send it back to England and in return we get tea and other good ol' home comforts." He lit up the pipe and took a deep draw. "What bought you over 'ere?" The young vampire has completely tuned out of the conversation, his mind and eyes wondering aimlessly around the room until a scent grabs him, with no warning he pulls his hand from Dorian's and begins to follow the scent with little regard for anything else. He pushes and squeezes between people following the strange but intoxicating odour, it's not food, it's something elseā€¦ Stepping out of the pub he sees a man and woman turning down an alley and knows the scent is coming from them. Racing after them he turns the corner in time to see the woman feeding from the man. James stands at the opening to the alley staring, fixated by the site.