[quote=Magic Magnum] That was a small amount, and none of them came to the new Guild anyways. With the vast majority people are treated and respected according how good an argument they can make so it leads to a pretty civil and mature group. While in spam may someone be liked, disliked etc is totally dependent on the mood of the people when first impressions are made and if the person is "cool" or "fun" enough to not burst their bubbles. [/quote] This is painfully untrue on multiple levels. I've never seen someone "change their mind" or "change their position" in OT, I've only seen them move the goal posts, concede, or just write paragraph upon paragraph changing the issue as much as possible so that they won't be seen as wrong. Also, the posters probably came back under new names. If I had to guess, you're not fond of spam because no-one "has" to engage you on the same level, and higher effort tends to be mocked. If ShonHarris put his post in spam, everyone would tell him the truth. It was way too long for people to really read. His writing isn't so engaging he can expect me to read an article every time he posts. (I'm singling out Shon but many other posters do this as well.)