[quote=Nytem4re] Yurnero watched as the flying man was attacked viciously by both the man who named himself Legion, and the strange woman. He didn't lift a finger to do anything, as the two had taken care of the issue. But, at least he had met strong warriors. He knew not the customs of this place, but he waved towards both of them regardless. Besides, he had seen foreigners do so in the past as a greeting. "I see I am not the only like-minded warrior here." Yurnero bowed politely out of respect. " I, am Exile. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Legion, you have already revealed who you are." Yurnero then turned towards the unknown woman. "May I ask of your name, fair lady?" Having this man and woman on good terms with him was in the best in his interests. A fellow swordsman, and one who could start fires at will... Good allies to have by his side anytime. [/quote] Legion landed gently onto the ground, his crimson blade held loosely in his right hand. A few metallic clinks signified his clones dropping down behind him, and Legion abruptly sheathed his blade, the sound disrupting the clones's existence and causing them to disappear in small, harmless explosions of data and pixels. The kid from before, Wave, had escaped, but Legion had no interest in taking the fight to the 'heroes' for the time being. He had a few upgrades to do, along with some meetings... Silently, the cyborg walked over to the area where the fire-lady and his fellow swordsman was congregating. The commotion had died down, with the police officers retreating back to their base and the heroes apparently retreating or something of that nature. Good. 'Exile, hn?' Legion muttered, stopping nearby and leaning his armored form against a bent lamp post. This was someone worth allying with, for at least the time being. But the unknown female was a wild-factor in his mind.